Monday, August 22, 2005

And the Sky is a Hazy Shade...

Curse this plague! And whoever or whatever brought it upon us.

I am rested, but still feel hazy. Diagnosis: blood loss? Need medical attention. Rifled through various desks and shelves in this laboratory today, but found nothing usable. A book, some old newspapers ... on second thought, perhaps I will save those to read later, should I need a good soporific or anaesthetic.

Found some ammo, useless to me, but am keeping it out of sight for now, away from our local happy gunslinger. No need to fuel his fire, I say. Is that selfish of me? Or merely sensible? How can I know he won't turn and use the ammo on those of us who are injured but still consumers of supplies? I know this much: I would not want to be in his shoes if he shoots us all and leaves the bodies inside.

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