Friday, August 26, 2005

NT Bulletin

I received the following transmission, purporting to be from my superiors, at approximately 7AM. Just in time, considering I had been searching for direction and purpose. I will assume the transmission is genuine, and head towards the southwest temporary base.

*** For Immediate Distribution
The following locations have been nominated to serve as temporary NecroTech/medical bases for the appropriate city quadrant. GPS coordinates are given in brackets.

NW - St Eleutherius's Hospital [24,34] in East Becktown.
NE - St Columbanus's Hospital [74,24] in Santlerville.
SW - Josaphat General Hospital [28,86] in Lockettside.
SE - Anne General Hospital [85,94] in Whittenside.

All employees are advised to head towards the nearest temporary base to begin DNA cataloging and revivification procedures as soon as possible. END***

UPDATE (November 26): The above bulletin is now extremely outdated and should not be considered accurate by any means.

1 comment:

Atticus Funk said...

This is Lamplighter. I'll be coming down to Whittenside from Crowbank for DNA extraction.