Monday, August 22, 2005

I've Seen Better Days

"One foot in the hole, one foot gettin' deeper, crank it to eleven and blow another speaker. And I ain't got, I ain't got much to lose." -- Song coming from a survivor's battery-operated(?) music player here

Stupid, stupid, stupid. I risked a quick trip to a nearby tower to try to survey the perimeter of the hospital I plan to get supplies from. That I am not one of military background became obvious, as I grew fatigued rapidly, and barely made it back here, to this NecroTech auxiliary office, before blacking out completely.

Shortly after I came to, I found some newcomers were bracing some doors that I could have sworn were already fortified. One of them explained that there had been an attack while I was out, but it was over and nothing got in that wasn't supposed to. I'm told I was lucky.

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